Holidays & Crafts |
Inspirational | Laughter | Graphics | Wolf Mama |
Funny, Humorous, & just plain fun!
Humorous tid-bits that find their way around. Enjoy the laughter, and the fun!
Note: this page is a work in progress - and it's only just
(repeat) means that article is in more then one category.
Animal Humor Annoying Beings (repeat) Kitty Raises Water Bill (aka: Jack the Flusher) |
Annoying People Annoying Beings (repeat)
Children: Warning: Check Your Children's Homework
Food &/or Dining Humor Give Up Chocolate - What happens if...
Gotchas! Autumn Moon (repeat) Fall Moon (repeat)
Health Humor Drinking Alcohol - What it does to you
Holiday Humor Autumn Moon (repeat) Fall Moon (repeat) Thanksgiving Day Humor - Turkeys
Intelligence Humor
Men! |
Misc. Finally! Sylvester Catches Tweety! When I Make a Mistake (repeat) Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road
Optical Illusions, Optical illusions & Brain Teasers - #1
Political Humor Depressed
Relatives and In-Laws |
Work Humor When I Make a Mistake (repeat)